Friday, January 28, 2011

iFairy Batch 3: Special Post - Hanabi introduction.

Hello loovelies <3,

I am sorry. T.T I have been busy with facetrades and orders so I haven't had time to update the blog with a new review. And yes, I have to admit I've been enjoying my exam break's free time a little too. <.<"
Anyways, if you are friends with Shimmer Eyes on facebook, you would've known that the ifairy batch 3 is now open, hip hip hooray! I can't wait to get my hands on a few pairs of these lenses too. (:
They're $24.00/pair this batch and as something new I will do weekend features where certain lenses will be on sale. : D But since there's only so many weekends before I end the batch on Feb 17th that you'll have to pay close attention to my updates!

Anyways, today's special post is that I had one of my customers that ordered the new Hanabi Red from ifairy send me a few photos on how they look.

These are the ifairy Hanabi red in sunlight - honest coloring in life. As you can see, the coloring is bright, even on dark brown eyes.

I believe the Hanabi series offer the biggest enlargement for the ifairy brand and not on that it will give you a halo look to your eyes, if you desire the cresent look to your eyes.
But all of ifairy lenses are great in coloring and detailing. They will never disappoint you in terms on not showing up, hence the reason why these lenses are a bit more expensive then EOS or the Dueba lenses that I sell as well.
The ifairy Hanabi red in bathroom lighting and no flash. Bright coloring! No surprise there. (:

Thanks to Christina (Xissy)'s clear photos you can see the close detail on the hanabi series. Hanabi is japanese for fireworks, and in a way the circle lenses has a spinning firework feel to them. The coloring of the hanabis blend well with dark irises and enlarges without fail.
I have dark brown eyes, and as I have said in my previous post with my review on the hanabi blues, even though they don't cover my complete iris (thank goodness), it blends pretty well even though it's a ring of color. (Check out my previous post for more details.)

But I want to show you a photo of how well the enlargement is on the Hanabi lenses. I meant to add this in when I did the review for the Hanabi blues, but I forgot. T.T" So Anyways, I'll add it on here. I took this photo in bathroom lighting and no flash facing a direction so the color doesn't show.

With 16.2mm, the enlargement doesn't disappoint either.

And there concludes the special feature post on Hanabi series, <3 And for those that actually take the time to read this post, enter "HanabiHanabi01" for an extra 5% off for any ifairy Hanabi lenses (hanabis only, any others will not apply) this weekend, and a free regular case! This promotion will start Friday 7pm and ends Sunday at 2pm.

Email for more information or add Shimmer Eyes on Facebook to check out the promotions. : D


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